29 October, 2009


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From: sarah@dinokengscenarios.co.za
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:55:49 +0100
To: <norwin.lederer@gmail.com>

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Press Release Dinokeng

Thursday, 29 October 2009


Following the success of the first series, "The Big Debate" returns to the eNews Channel and eTV with a new weekly series hosted by Redi Direko and produced in partnership with the Dinokeng Scenarios.  South Africans will again have a rare opportunity to tackle the most complex and controversial issues facing the country, together with ministers, business leaders, activists and experts.

Copyright © 2009 The Dinokeng Scenarios
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28 October, 2009

Fw: Warning from Linden SAPS to Businesses in Linden Precinct

------Original Message------
From: President Ridge Robin Acres Community Association
To: President Ridge Robin Acres Community Association
Subject: FW: Warning from Linden SAPS to Businesses in Linden Precinct
Sent: 28 Oct 2009 17:30

FW: Warning from Linden SAPS to Businesses in Linden Precinct (Sent to Community Associations for your Info…please feel free to pass this onto businesses in your community…. NOTE message in Bold Italics...)
There has been an increase in business robberies in neighbouring precincts (particularly Randburg and Fairlands). This may spread to our precinct.
Businesses are asked to be vigilant. Those operating at night are asked to take particular care.
The issue will be raised with Security Companies at the weekly Security meeting at the station.
Please ensure your security companies/personnel are alert; that your staff are aware; and that panic buttons and alarms are operating correctly.
In cases of emergencies, please call 10111 (or 112 from a cell phone). State the nature of the emergency, address and nearest intersection. Two Linden SAPS successes in the last week (where criminals have been shot and detained) have resulted from calls made by the community to 10111.
There has also been a general increase in property theft (all precincts). Please be sure your offices and shops are well locked at night and that alarms are active.
Please also warn staff that there have been two recent ATM bomb attempts in the precinct. These have both occurred in the early morning (around 3am) and the community is asked to be cautious around ATMs at these times.
Please pass this message onto other businesses in your area.
Issued by the Linden Community Police Forum 17h00, 28 October 2009 www.lindensaps.co.za

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Revised Letter to Randburg Sun

In terms of the posting on 19.10.2009 (http://robindale-east.blogspot.com/2009/10/letter-to-randburg-sun-relating-to-un.html), the Randburg Sun has requested that I shorten the letter to 300 words prior to publishing. Herewith the revised letter:

A Crime to Fix A Crime Does Not Make It Right

Although I fully support the initiatives of the Randburg Sun to address social and criminal issues in the community, I am gravely concerned by the manner in which some of the readers perceive articles and their consequent actions. My concern arose from an incident that occurred on 17.10.2009 at 15:00 when I discovered an elderly gentleman using a branch to rip my two armed response signs off the trees on my pavement where I had mounted the signs.

I demanded to know what he was doing and he immediately cited the Randburg Sun stating that it was illegal to attach signs to a council tree. I acknowledged the fact. However I further demanded to know what right he had to act on behalf of the council to perform their legal duties? This led me to writing this letter and raising this grave concern. Readers of the Randburg Sun and other residents should no turn to vigilante behaviour and perform acts of law enforcement. Citizens are not deputised nor entitled to act on criminal matters, no matter how big nor small.

Any person transgressing the local by-laws, is issued a notification of that fact and then has a certain number of days to remedy the situation by either complying, defending or appealing the transgression.

Even worse, the vigilante may be assaulted as a result. Our greatest defence against crime and degradation is communities working together to solve problems; this type of behaviour does not foster community building, but rather destroys it, which we cannot afford.

In closing, please do not take the law into your own hands; follow the protocols as set forth in the legislature and let’s build our community spirit.

Concerned anti-vigilante resident.

23 October, 2009

Fw: Update on Morning Incident in Silverpine and Valley

------Original Message------
From: scottsc
To: scottsc
Subject: FW: Update on Morning Incident in Silverpine and Valley
Sent: 23 Oct 2009 11:40

Update on Morning Incident in Silverpine and Valley Criminals gained access to home in Silverpine (Moret) early Friday morning (23 Oct)  
Domestic worker's actions caused the criminals to start fleeing the scene (she has been attending Penny Steyn's training for over 1 year). Domestic worker's screams alerted neighbours.  One neighbour called 10111.  
Shots were fired - - More neighbours pressed Armed Response panic buttons.  
Police were first on the scene (well before Armed Response companies) - well done to the neighbour who called 10111.  
Linden SAPS chased vehicle, criminals lost control of vehicle in Valley (Robinhills).  
Shootout ensued. One suspect killed; one suspect injured (in hospital); and a third arrested. Our Police are fine.  
The young family in Silverpine are fine but traumatised. Linden CPF Victim Support have been on the scene.  
Criminals have also been traced to previous incidents in Blairgowrie.

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

22 October, 2009

Pamphlet Distribution Has Commenced

Good morning residents!

I have started the distribution of the RERA Pamphlets (http://robindale-east.blogspot.com/2009/10/pamphlet-to-be-distributed-to-residents.html) in order to drum up support and critical mass in the neighbourhood.

So far I've managed to pop pamphlets in houses' postboxes in the following streets:

  • All of Gondola Ave
  • All of Jeeves Ave
  • Maiden Street up to No. 8 (including the first complex on the west side of the street when travelling north on Maiden Street)
  • Roosevelt Street, in line with the northern end of Maiden/Gondola Park, all the way to Gondola Ave.

Now its a matter of waiting for responses from residents.


21 October, 2009

If she is working for you beware - from eblockwatch


Please could we ask that you circulate this to all on your mailing list and see if the power of email can bring someone to book.

Our domestic worker, “Princess Ntombomzi Ntshangana” (a large Coloured woman originally from the Cape) robbed our house on Sunday 4th October whilst we were out and cleared us out of all our electronics goods, laptops, computer monitors, cash, jewellery, perfumes, clothes, digital cameras - the list is endless. She had organized for her accomplices to gain access to our property steal the items, cleared out her room and belongings and never to be seen again. She had her “granddaughter” named “Owie” of two years old living with her at the time as she stated her daughter did not have a job so she was taking care of the child. She may have taken Owie back home to her daughter to look after or she has her with her still and using Owie as a smoke screen to plead to all to help her out with a job. Not sure of her exact intentions. Nevertheless, we need to be on the lookout for Princess alone or with a little girl.

We have opened up a case at the Linden Police Station. The police have been trying to trace her as she apparently has a record of house robbery and has been doing this for a couple of years. This is her pattern - she moves in to an area, works for a while then robs the household and leaves to another area.

Please see attached ID details and image. Hopefully by circulating these images we can prevent her from being employed by another household and doing the exact same to them and/or seeing her behind bars.

If anyone does happen to see her do not confront her with your knowledge – call myself or call the Linden Police Station 011 888-9211/9212 immediately so we can apprehend her.

Thanking you for your assistance.

+27 (0) 83 548 7975

20 October, 2009

Pamphlet to be distributed to residents

Click on image to enlarge.
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Letter from the self appointed law enforcer

Subsequent to the incident that I posted on 19.10.2009, the elderly gentleman popped the following three pages in my letter box. You will note with sadness the racial undertones in his letter, as well as accusations of apathy, racism and supremacism. All very sad and upsetting. Furthermore, the coward of this individual is demonstrated in his not being prepared to sign his full name to the letter.

A further development that confirms the coward of this vigilante behaviour is that the gentleman had been at my house prior to my 'catching him red handed', as one of my neighbours spotted him in front of my house, and, as my friend approached the gentleman as he was removing the first Top Security sign, he hopped in his car and waited a fair distance until the coast was clear. He then returned and took down my second Top Security sign, which is when I confronted him.

Incidentally, the self appointed law enforcer, in his letter, has granted me permission to remount my signs, stating that he will not rip them down again.

Unfortunately he destroyed my signs, so I have no more signs to mount. I wonder if I should place a charge of malicious vandalism against him - perhaps if you know the man that refers to himself as R.K. Proudly Foreign, you could forward his details to me so that I can do just that! And I wonder, if my house is burgled, my child is molested and wife accosted, if he would take any accountability, as my house no longer has signs stating that it is protected by an armed response company. I wonder, if I am burgled, if my insurer will honour the claim, given that there is no notification that the house is under the protection of armed response (a requirement of my insurance policy). I guess however, the coward will shy away from his responsibility then!

Article that enticed R.K. Proudly Foreign to vigilante type behaviour (click on image to enlarge)

Page 1 of R.K. Proudly Foreign's letter to me (click on image to enlarge)

Page 2 of R.K. Proudly Foreign's letter to me (click on image to enlarge)
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19 October, 2009

Letter to Randburg Sun relating to un-community-like behaviour.

Randburg Sun: You Are Not the Lawmakers

Although I fully support the initiatives of the Randburg Sun to address social and criminal issues in the community, I am gravely concerned about the manner in which your readers perceive your messages and their consequent actions. My concern arose from an incident that occurred on our pavement on 17.10.2009 at approximately 15:00. While I was in my front garden, I could hear ripping and tearing noises in front of my perimeter wall. Upon inspection, I discovered an elderly gentleman using a branch from a tree ripping my two armed response signs off the trees on my pavement where I had mounted them a few days before.

The gentleman had already ripped off and torn the first sign, and upon approaching him as he tore off the second sign I demanded to know what he was doing. He immediately turned to me, and cited the Randburg Sun as saying it carried an article stating that it was illegal to attach signs to a tree on the pavement, as these were council trees. I acknowledged the fact. However I further demanded to know what right he had to act on behalf of the council to perform their duties.

This is what led me to writing this letter and raising this grave concern. I’m troubled by the Randburg Sun enticing people to be vigilantes and performing acts of enforcing the by-laws. My issue is that no-one deputised the gentleman to perform these tasks, as I demanded to know on whose authority he was acting – he confirmed he was acting in response to the article in the Randburg Sun, and not on any other grounds or mandate.

Secondly, since the Randburg Sun in all probability only publishes short summaries of the by-laws, the total comprehensive view of the legislation is not understood or is misinterpreted. This is where a little knowledge becomes very dangerous. By rights, if I transgress the local by-laws, I get notified of the fact and have a certain number of days to remedy the situation to comply, or I can defend or appeal the situation.

As this gentleman believed he had the right to act on behalf of the municipality, my rights were infringed on grounds that I was not given an adequate opportunity to comply, defend or appeal my position. The gentleman didn’t even have the decency to ring my bell and discuss the matter with me; instead, in a cowardly fashion while no one observed him, he opted to take the law into his own hands.

The most distressing aspect of this nasty incident, is that the gentle feels quite content to pick on ‘soft targets’, and I feel his actions were malicious, and under the cover of a Randburg Sun article.

If this gentleman felt so strongly about the by-laws, why did he park his white VW Beetle at an intersection, which is in violation of the road ordinance. A vehicle may not be parked closer than 5m from an intersection. As my house is on an intersection, and this gentleman parked in the intersection, he clearly feels that he is entitled to break other laws in pursuit of enforcing compliance to one section of the municipal by-laws.

Furthermore, when I challenged him on whetter or not he would be removing the estate agent boards that cluttered my intersection, he was not willing to act on that. Additionally, he was not prepared to address the vagrants in the park across from my house, nor the squatters living on the northern part of the Linden SAPS police station.

In closing therefore, I’d like to request that the gentleman who patrols our suburbs in his white VW Beetle consider challenging all aspects of the by-laws that are being compromised, and not just the ‘soft targets’. Why does he not start a movement to address these matters? Is he an active member of the Linden CPF? Is he a chairperson for his street under the auspices of the Linden CPF? Why not address the issue of rat runners through the suburbs that have killed a number of domestic and wild animals and birds in the road? I believe there are much bigger fish to fry than ripping off my armed response signs that I mounted in an attempt to protect my wife, my baby and myself. If people like him addressed the bigger issues, I wouldn’t need to mount big ugly armed response signs in front of my house.

Lastly, there is a humorous side to the tale as well, in that the gentleman requested what my address was. Apart from the fact that I literally blew up at that point I indicated that he was standing at my address and that his vehicle was parked illegally in front of my address; his reason for wanting my address was that he could drop off a copy of the by-laws for me to read. Needless to say I’m still waiting for this promise. Additionally, I wonder if the gentleman legitimately procured the branch that he was using to rip my signs off with?

A note to the Randburg Sun: many readers perceive the Randburg Sun to not being good at self criticism. Subsequently I implore your editorial committee to demonstrate journalism professionalism and actually print this letter which does to a degree implicate the community newspaper as enticing readers to act irresponsibly. It is this type of behaviour that could result in our following the Walk Apart Scenario as predicted in the Dinokeng Scenarios.

Concerned anti-vigilante resident.

14 October, 2009

Fw: Dinokeng Scenarios - We have a choice but there is much building to be done.

This info is compliments of Shaun Scott.

Subject: FW: Dinokeng Scenarios - We have a choice but there is much building to be done.

Community Associations and Street/Block Committees in the Linden Precinct,
Managed to attend a presentation on the Dinokeng Scenarios (www.dinokengscenarios.co.za) . They have presented over 100 times in a few short months to a range of stakeholders in government, business and civil society, so you may have seen some of their work.
The scenarios were compiled (late last year) by a strong, representative group of South Africans. They looked at the achievements and challenges experienced in fifteen years since our first democratic election and used that to describe three possible future worlds.
The bad news is they have placed us in the early stages of the "Walk Apart" scenario where, if we continue, we will reach a future where communities will disengage, be distrusting and self protecting and the state will operate in an ineffective and corrupt manner.
The good news is we can still achieve the "Walk Together" scenario where we have an active an engaging citizenry and a collaborative and effective state.
I attended the session as a CPF executive (it was arranged by the CPF Partnership) and was pleased to see that the Linden CPF strategy and journey we started early last year supports the "Walk Together" scenario. We have a dual focus on enabling a more effective SAPS and we are building momentum in our streets and suburbs to create an engaging and cohesive community.
It scared me however to recognise the consequence of not getting it right.
Please keep up your good work at building your street, block and community. I'm so pleased to see the momentum and am confident that we have a very very good chance of getting it right. The Linden CPF, under the leadership of Jadd and with the Executive Committee and active volunteers, is committed to supporting you.
Look out for the debate series on eTV in November. We will arrange for a discussion at a forthcoming CPF meeting, but don’t wait until then. Attached is a summary 2 pager and there is a stack of material on www.dinokengscenarios.co.za
Please keep building.
Shaun Scott for the Linden CPF

Herewith the Factsheets from the Dinokeng Scenarios:

Robindale East Residents’ Association Blog Is Launched

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Robindale East Residents’ Association blog. Please visit regularly and provide comments as approriate.
