08 February, 2011

Missing Person - Amy Jackenlee (last seen 04.02.2011)

The station received a missing person report.

On Friday 2011-02-04 Amy Jackenlee was last seen by her daughter at their guest house at +- 20:00.

The daughter then tried to contact her mother on Saturday without success. On Sunday morning she received a call from the gardener that was working at the guesthouse.

When she arrived at the house her mothers car was gone as well as a laptop and cell phone and a small portable radio/CD. They contacted the police, a full forensic investigation was done at the premises.

The vehicle a red Ford Fiesta (old shape 2003) reg nr MGZ641GP is also missing. No tracking device on vehicle. Missing person case was opened and is being investigated by the Linden Detectives.

We are also looking for a white male with short blond hair 1.9 meters tall very skinny who alleges he is from the USA that can help with the investigation.

Any information can be communicated with the investigating officer W/Off Hiepner 0826241235

1 comment:

Norwin said...

From eBlockwatch:

Non-stop work from a special group of Linden Police detectives lead to the arrest of the guys who murdered the lady from a Linden Bed and Breakfast. Eblockwatch has been trying to track down the suspect but the police were brilliant. The team has not slept for days and their hard work has paid off. Eblockwatch and the police received a tip off from a very excited person who read the article in their local Caxton newspaper who had spotted the car stolen when the lady was murdered at her Bed and Breakfast.